We sold 210 books! The money will go toward reading incentive awards for next year. The remaining books that did not sell will go to both the Primary and the Elementary schools will be sold at their book sales. It was a win/win for everyone! Thanks!
Every Wednesday, I get a chance to share a short story. Reading out loud has always been a bonding time for me. Like many parents, I have fond memories of reading to my own children. Often we would end the day with a story and share little things going on in our lives. Earlier in my career, I worked at a preschool. There, children would pile around me to listen to the book that one of us picked out. It was fun reading with animation, making the kids laugh, or helping them develop a new perspective through the words of the book. Having that shared experience has always helped me feel connected to those around me. I love Wednesdays!
How do you select a book that you will enjoy? A Book Tasting, of course! Collaborating with a fellow educator, Mrs. Shriver, to lead English I through a sampling process is always fun!
The library was the perfect spot to host the marshmallow catapult challenge. Mrs. McDonald's students were challenged to create a catapult from popsicle sticks and rubber bands that would launch a mini-marshmallow further than other group.
Have you ever tried to video capture lessons on an iPad or a smartphone only to later discover that the audio was horrible? Often when recording to these devices, background noise is more pronounced than the teacher's voice. With the Mobile Connector, wireless Bluetooth streaming will add audio directly to your device. The result is crisp, clear audio. See Mrs. Graham to check out this device from the library.
AuthorHello, My name is Tiffney Archives
May 2022
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